Lessons from Cinderella


I love movies, I always have. But I am not the kind of girl who enjoys actually going to a cinema, buying popcorn and watching a new movie – I am the kind of girl who will wait until the movie comes out on DVD, rent it and watch it from the comfort of my own home, on my own couch and with my own blanket (and usually with my fellow movie loving Mom & snuggle partner dog Kiwi). So, recently when I found myself taking part in a non-stop home movie marathon – the new (which is actually old now) Cinderella was definitely on the list.

What I didn’t realize was that this well-loved children’s fairytale that has always been one of my favorites, would hit something much deeper on the inside of me. If you haven’t yet watched the BRILLIANT version of Disney’s Cinderella, you need to! Apart from the sweet story line, the set is incredible and the costumes are stunning. If you maybe have never seen nor heard about the story of Cinderella, well I am sorry that I am from Africa and I have and you haven’t (joke) – so with that being said, here are the 4 lessons I learned from Cinderella:

1. Have Courage

Just before Cinderella’s mother is about to die, she tells her daughter to have courage – what a timely thing to say when without the young girl knowing it, she is about to face a world of troubles.

Courage = the ability to do something that frightens one; bravery and strength in the face of pain or grief. Courage is something that God desires of us as His people. Why? Because He knows the world is tough but He has planned us for such a time as this and has given us the ability to do things that frighten us not because of our own power but because of who He is on the inside of us. What He told Joshua, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9 NKJV) still applies to us today.

2. Be Kind

Cinderella’s mother tells her daughter that she has “more kindness in her little finger than some have in their whole body” – and that her kindness is “powerful”

Kindness = the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate; a kind act. This is a powerful attribute to possess as a believer; in fact the Bible says that it is God’s goodness (kindness) that leads people to repentance (Romans 2:4). Our kindness that we share in the lives of those we come in contact with is a tool that God can use to bring them back to Him. Kindness also is a fruit of the Holy Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23), so when we demonstrate kindness, we are showing evidence of the Greater One living on the inside of us.

3. Just because something is done doesn’t mean that it is supposed to be done

I love this part, Cinderella has met the Prince while he is on a hunting expedition in the forest – because of her love of animals, she asks him not to harm one of them to which he humorously responds that they are ‘hunting’ (like, duh woman – hunting generally means killing an animal) – but her statement of, “just because something is done doesn’t mean that it is supposed to be done” leaves one taking into consideration more than just a game of cat and mouse.

We have to be so careful in this day and age. Deception is increasing in the world and things that are actually rebellious to God and His Word are being promoted as “good.” If we think about it, how much do we do in a day that we actually don’t know if it is truly right or wrong, we just do it because its “always been done” [John Bevere has come out with a powerful word on “Good or God” which I encourage you to research for more detail on this topic].

4. Forgiveness

Ooooh the climax of the movie when the Prince has just come and fitted the glass slipper and is about to take Cinderella back to the palace with him – she turns to her step mother, looks her in the eye and says something that sends chills down my spine…”I forgive you.”

Forgiveness = The action or process of forgiving or being forgiven; to stop feeling anger toward someone who has done something wrong. to stop blaming someone; to stop requiring payment. Probably on of the toughest areas ever, but is one of the most important because when we don’t forgive, God cannot forgive us (Matthew 6:14; Luke 6:37). I want you to note that Cinderella’s stepmother never asked for forgiveness, yet regardless, she forgave her. We need to strive to be like this. Many times people won’t ask for forgiveness, but the choices we make will determine the outcome of our lives.

I hope you don’t think I am nutty or “over spiritual” to parallel a fairytale with God’s Word – but I believe that this life on earth is a journey and there are lessons to be learned and these lessons are sometimes found in places where we least expect it.

3 thoughts on “Lessons from Cinderella

  1. Beautiful Jade. When I watched the movie God didn’t stop speaking to me through it…so you certainly are not “nutty”. (Because then I would be too 🙂 ). You expressed it so clearly. Very well written! Keep them coming!!!

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