You Have Something To Share

I was terrified to open my blog page today. Not because there was anything bad, but because I haven’t written a thing since July. I don’t want to say that I didn’t want to write –  but I think in the last 3 months I have found myself caught in the business of building a ministry with my husband, pastoring, working on our marriage, serving our parents and the list really does go on. It was just last night that Chad turned to me just before he fell asleep and simply said, “You need to write on your blog again.” Literal fear (which we know is not from Jesus) washed over me as thoughts like, “I have nothing to write about, I haven’t done it in so long anyway, I’m too busy, I have nothing to share…” ran rampant through my mind.

I have something to share

…and so do you. Yet so often we don’t believe it. “What will they think? Who am I?” – we allow situations and circumstances to swallow our voice and to rob us of the gifts and talents that God so abundantly built within us.

Do you want to know what it comes down to? We’ve made it all about us. Our pride, our reputation, our comfort zone. When really, it is all about Him. He is the reason we do what we do, the reason we are obedient even when our knuckles are white from gripping our seats and inwardly pleading, “Please don’t make me do it…”

We all have a voice and if we know what the Word says, then we have the heartbeat of God on the inside.

We fumble when we have to join the two together.

What are you doing with the message on the inside of you? Are you sharing it with those who need it or are you hiding it deep on the inside waiting for “better days”?

“For God’s gifts and his call can never be withdrawn” (Romans 11:29 NLT)

Regardless of what we think, God has given us gifts, talents and abilities and He will never take them away. It is up to us – do we use them to lift Him up or do we allow them to remain dormant on the inside of us? I know that I am asking many questions today and maybe they are just to challenge myself personally, but if in any way they are challenging you, I pray that you would take up the challenge. You are purposed for greatness! Do not allow fear, anxiety and feelings of incredible inadequacy to cause you to shrink back.

“You were born to stand out” – a statement we so often pass off as corny. But the truth of the matter is that we WERE BORN TO STAND OUT. Each of us differently but each of us so beautifully uniquely.

So, what is your message? I guarantee you do not have to dig too deep to find out…but maybe it will require some dusting off of the weeks, months or even years of cobwebs. I am so thankful my husband sees my potential and pushes me to open my mouth (or my keypad in this case)… Do you have someone in your life who is gently pushing you? If not, may I have the honor of being that person today? YOU have something to share – are you brave enough to make a difference in someone else’s life today? I pray I just did…and man, does it feel good! 🙂

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