One Of Those Mornings

It was one of those mornings. You know, the ones where all of a sudden your clothes don’t fit like they should (so they find themselves sprawled all over the bed and floor basically being punished for what they have done to your self-image), your usually perfect eyeliner job is now a lopsided mess and your hair has a rebellious mind of its own. It was one of those mornings where you hear words and statements coming out of your mouth that you know full and well are so far from the truth; “I hate this,” “I hate myself today,” “I don’t even want to go to church anymore,” all while your helpless husband is staring at the hot mess before him and fumbling to try to assist in the wardrobe (but really life) malfunction.

It was one of those mornings that after sobbing the entire drive to church your husband agrees that you should go home and find something to wear that makes you happy (and by happy he meant that you need to take yourself home, TRY AGAIN and do not return until you have truly put yourself together).

It was one of those mornings, that only when I was alone in the car, just myself and the worship song that I had put on in an attempt to pull it together, that I realized I had completely outed the Holy Spirit from my morning.

I believe in Spirit-led living. Simply because that is what the Bible says. What does that mean you may be wondering? Well, the Holy Spirit is the part of the Godhead that lives on the inside of us. His job is to be our Comforter, our Teacher, our Guide and ultimately our very Best Friend. He is the One who reminds us what God’s Word says and how we need to apply it. He knows everything and He sees everything.

What we as women need to realize is that the Holy Spirit is NOT just for the “spiritual” things in life. Sometimes we compartmentalize so much that instead of giving Him full control – we shove Him into a box labeled “Anything to do with Christianity.” The problem with this is that our faith is not just for a Sunday – it involves and actually encapsulates every part of our life. It is who we are. With that being the case – He has the ability to assist us in EVERY part of our lives.

But back to the emotional and sad excuse of a presentable woman in the car:  

 It was only when I was in the quiet of the vehicle with nobody else around except the Holy Spirit that I realized how very present He was and how I had not even thought to consult Him throughout the entire morning episode. Want to know how much I believe the Holy Spirit desires to be involved in EVERY area of our lives? Well, when I finally quieted my restless heart, He began to minister to me right down to the very detail of what shirt I should grab to wear.

Ladies, I want to encourage you today that you have a Friend that wants the very BEST for you. Yes He is involved in the big things but He also cares about the details. This is not the first time He has done a job that I never knew He could do, in fact I have slowly learned to involve Him in everything – even decisions at the grocery store.  

We loose when we only allow Him to speak about things that we think have got to do with “church things.”  

Not to sound repetitive, but He sees, He knows and He cares. You are precious to Him and He desires to be involved in so much more than you think. We would save ourselves so much unnecessary drama if we just took a step back for a moment. If I had started my day off with, “Please give me wisdom in every decision I make today right down to my clothing choice,” maybe then I would not have had a morning fully proving the true craziness of an upset woman. Ha 😉

My prayer for you and I today is that we would allow the Holy Spirit freedom to rule in our hearts and our minds. To do what He needs to do, change what needs to be changed and ultimately shape us into the strong, stable and godly woman we were created to be. 

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