Defeating Goliath

We have all heard the story about David and Goliath right? Whether in a children’s book way back when or during a sermon in church, this story has done its rounds for sure! If you are unsure about the story, that’s okay! Let me fill you in: David was a young shepherd boy who loved the Lord. One day he went to the battle grounds to see his brothers, but instead of delivering the food he found himself standing in front of the most terrifying, foul GIANT. But don’t worry! He defeated him with stones, yes, stones. [I encourage you to go and read the story here].

What I love about God’s Word (among millions of other things) is that it is totally multi-faceted. I can read the same story multiple times, and get something different out of it every time I read it! You know, those “woah” moments.

Let’s think about the story and let’s think about little David as ourselves, standing in the midst if the battle. Then let’s think about Goliath as the name of every issue, trial or mountain that we are facing, towering over us and mocking everything we believe and stand for. Pretty personal picture right? For me, since about January, my faith has been on what feels like a non-stop assessment. Curve balls have been thrown and statements have been made – I have felt like I’ve walked through the fire, made it out, just to turn around and walk right back in again.

Tiring, stressful, unending.

At least that is how it felt in the moment. It really does not matter what the Goliath that you are having a showdown with is really about – the fact of the matter is that regardless of the root, any issue left to grow, will do just that – grow.

Think of a baby. A woman has been gifted the ability to feed the baby, nurture the baby and care for the baby. The right attention and that baby is growing stronger by the day. Let’s put our issue in the place of the baby: the more we feed it (with our thoughts), cradle it and nurture it – the more the issue grows and grows.

Goliath wasn’t always huge, he had to have been a baby at some point, right?

So here we stand like David, staring at what has become a giant in our life and all we have to grasp on to is a couple of feeble stones. This is where it really gets interesting. The Word of God / The Bible is the number 1 (last time I checked) selling book in the world YET STILL is the most mocked and overlooked manuscript. It has been reduced down to just ancient writing that is totally irrelevant to the world we live in today. Just like stones in the hand of David looked mockable, so does the Bible in the hands of a Christian.

But they don’t know what we know. They don’t know that this Word we hold in our hand and have imprinted on our heart is sharper than the sharpest two-edged sword, cutting between soul and spirit, between joint and marrow (Hebrews 4:12). The Word of God is not dead and gone, it is alive and powerful! David may have looked weak in the natural, but what they did not see was the armies of heaven backing him, ready to support his every move. The same happens when we speak and work the Word!

The Word of God is our weapon, Goliath cannot stand. I thank God that I stand here today, standing on a firm foundation holding in my hand the head of the Goliath that was in my life. David worked those stones as if they were gigantic grenades. Every battle ends in victory because we choose to use the Word of God. You paired with the literal, victorious and majestic words of our Father, the Creator of heaven and earth – are no match for whatever may be standing over you, glaring you in the eye. The question is, do you believe it?

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