A Love That Doesn’t Wait

One of the greatest privileges of the season we are in right now is pastoring some pretty incredible young adult ladies. Over the past 2 years it has been my joy to sit and hear so many wonderful stories from different girls as we’ve walked a road together. But often, as someone who tends to live her life with rigid lists and time blocks, the temptation to only be available for the needs of others when it is convenient has often opened at 9am and shut tightly at 5pm. After all, this is a job and those are my office hours, right?

Absolutely not.

“When God’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality” – Romans 12:13 NLT  

Jesus never had and still doesn’t operate on office hours – phew! I’m so thankful that I do not have to wait for my time slot in order to unravel before Him and curl up into His loving arms while I cry. He is always there for me, ready to embrace me and help me.

Now obviously I am not saying that we just never have time alone in our own homes with our spouse to just rest and have personal time, but I think as humans, more specifically as women, we have so much demanding our attention from so many different directions, that we very easily push away the gentle tugging of the Holy Spirit in moments that feel inconvenient. We realize that He is attempting to shine an awareness on someone that is desperate for some godly love and care, but our feelings often trump our obedience.

We get so busy with our lives that the lives of others seem insignificant and often just not worth our time. Let’s me be real; I don’t always feel like helping someone clean up their life, especially when deep down, I know mine is looking pretty messy.

But the above scripture doesn’t include time allocations and scheduling allowances. Instead, we are encouraged to “be ready to help” and “always eager” to “practice hospitality.” Why? Because a woman who feels like her life is falling apart doesn’t actually care if your hair is a mess and your kitchen has dishes in the sink – the fact that you made time to cook her breakfast in the midst of a hectic morning or make her a hot cup of tea while sitting at your kitchen counter, gently listening to her as she comes undone – shows more of God’s heart to her than anything else in that moment. In a single instant, your readiness to help and your joy to host her radiates just who Jesus is and models His very compassionate and tender character.

When we stand before God one day; our clean house, perfectly ironed clothes and color-coded planner for the year won’t be standing with us. The only thing we are taking with, are those people who we took the time to help grow in their walk with Jesus and are now living their lives serving Him.

This is always the goal. In all we do, we do it to please Him. This life is short – the dishes can wait, the laundry can wait, the dust bunnies behind the couch can wait. But our love, that perfect love on the inside of us from Jesus for others: that love can never wait.