Why SCL?

Womanhood is tough! There are battles, struggles & mistakes. This blog is about letting you know as a woman, that you are NOT alone!

Last year (2015) was the biggest transitional period of my life. To summarize – after attending Bible sch0ol for 2 years in the USA, I moved home for the year to spend time with my parents, allow them to get to know Chad (who was my boyfriend at the time) and intern at our home church. After Chad and I got engaged in March – many things began to change as we started planning our wedding and our life for the next year. I started to struggle with the transition from girlfriend to fiancé and from my parents authority and roof to start planning to be under Chad’s. Let’s just say it has been quite a journey.

BUT, through it ALL, God has shown me His faithfulness. He has been my peace, my patience and my joy. He has been the lifter of my head and the desire of my heart. I have grown closer to Him as I have yielded myself to the wisdom of His Word and leading of His Holy Spirit.

This blog is about sharing personal lessons that I have learnt, in the hope that they would too help and comfort you. I believe women in unity are a powerful tool for the Kingdom – they have a strength, a gentleness and a heart that can move mountains! As I share my stories with you, I hope that you would share your stories with me…I would love to hear about your journey 🙂